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Ad #: 350395

Repetitive even by RuneScape standards

Viewed: 954 time(s)


Posted: 5/15/2020
Expires: 11/13/2020

Asia, Pacific and Middle East : Israel and Palestine > tel aviv
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Making skilling more neccecary is a shot idea. The skills that are most hated all are skilling abilities such as mining and runecrafting. Skilling is unengaging and repetitive even by RuneScape standards. Skills such as runecrafting and mining are dead weight from a standpoint and of you could trim the fat from RuneScape those abilities are the first to go. Compare RuneScape mining to wow mining or Minecraft mining. RuneScape mining is essentially wasting hours of your life clicking the stones in precisely the same location to mine iron to fall again. In wow you have to travel to different areas to find ore which is actually valuable. With danger around every corner using a risk benefit of ores, where all ores are usefull you research caverns that are dangerous to locate precious ore, in Minecraft but sometimes you find the diamond. Minecraft mining is like engaging and bossing. The skilling supervisors a goal improvement over cookie clicker skilling and are good. Quit trying to revive. I feel as though people are overlooking something, you are able to play the way that you want to play. You don't need to always do this meta. Who cares if it is inefficient. You can do barrows for winner scrolls or fish bees rather than barb fishing at camp or max combat. That so refreshing about these ironmen reports on youtube, they do ridiculous things which have much more fun and take 10 times longer than the meta. You wish to nerf things so material will be content, because you won't play it but it's only material. And there is nothing stopping you from playing it. It is fine if you make little progress if you had fun and play for an hour. best old school runescape gold site

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