Ad #: 477181
Expires: 7/3/2023
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : Singapore > Woodlands
Nearby Cities
Zip: 609966
HDB Main Door Fire Rated | HDB Fire Rated Door | HDB Fire Door
Viewed: 48 time(s)
Posted: 1/2/2023
Expires: 7/3/2023
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : Singapore > Woodlands
Nearby Cities
Zip: 609966
We have the best HDB fire-rated main door, Fire rated doors nowadays in Singapore it is an essential aspect of your building’s structure, aesthetic & safety. There is a rise in fires occurring in residential homes across Singapore. In order to allow more time to evacuate and prevent the spread of fire, Fire-rated Doorsets are offered in varying degrees of protection against fire. The additional time granted by Fire-rated Doorsets can make the difference between life and death. Our Fire-rated Doorsets are accredited by both SCDF and local certifying bodies for fabrication, manufacture and installation.
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