Ad #: 505238
Expires: 12/17/2023
US : Hawaii > hawaii
Nearby Cities
Zip: 10001
Best Fabulous and Beautiful Gaited Horse Sale
Viewed: 326 time(s)
Posted: 6/18/2023Updated:
Expires: 12/17/2023
US : Hawaii > hawaii
Nearby Cities
Zip: 10001
Blue is a beautiful pony with very kind eyes and is bright and keen to learn. He walks nicely on a lead, has experienced, chickens and ducks, tractors, diggers, cars and construction near by. He loads and unloads well on trailers and horse boxes. He is about 13 hands at the moment and bum high, but I do not think he will make a height for me or my as daughter we are 5’8, but is still growing we think he could make 14’2 ish. I have 3 other horses, one of which is also a youngster and I just feel I can’t give this boy enough time to bring him on to his full potential.
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