Ad #: 528685
Expires: 4/16/2024
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : China > chengdu
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Shanghai Shangpeng Electric Co.,Ltd
Viewed: 282 time(s)
Posted: 10/17/2023Updated:
Expires: 4/16/2024
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : China > chengdu
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Shanghai Shangpeng Electric Co.,Ltd 86 18017809222 Circuit Breaker Contact, Earthing Switch, Insulation Accessories Shanghai Shangpeng Electric Co.,Ltd was established in 1997. SGE is a R & D and production of SF6 gas density detection instruments and other products and provide complete automation control solutions for high-tech enterprises. No. 185, Zhou Le Road, Qing Cun town, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China
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