Ad #: 543638
Expires: 7/7/2024
US : Kansas > lawrence
Nearby Cities
Zip: 66049
African Grey Parrots
Viewed: 226 time(s)
Posted: 1/7/2024Updated:
Expires: 7/7/2024
US : Kansas > lawrence
Nearby Cities
Zip: 66049
HANDREARED tame female and male young birds ready for new home dnr. cites paperwork ring on leg collection in home thank you! Price for one bird , cage not included my birds always grow up in family where lots of different people that's why you never have problems adapt bird in your home you can see screen shot how happy people bought birds from me,bird is not for one day or week it's family member who stays with you for many years Yes is negotiable but is always worth spending more and have less problems 😉 thank you!sms 5018193807
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