Ad #: 561096
Expires: 2/13/2025
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : India > delhi
Nearby Cities
Zip: 201301
QR Sticker For Hand Bag Safety
Viewed: 172 time(s)
Posted: 5/16/2024Updated:
Expires: 2/13/2025
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : India > delhi
Nearby Cities
Zip: 201301
Just attached this QR sticker to your handbag while missing. Incidentally, you lost your handbag in the office, car, bus, and or other places, so in that case someone who finds your missing bag at that time will scan your QR sticker, and after scanning the QR sticker the back camera of his mobile will start and he will be able to share photo/video of missing handbag to the owner with proper location. To know more visit our website
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