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Ad #: 563781

"Empowering the Workforce: Leveraging the National Labor Relations Act of 1935"

Viewed: 154 time(s)

Posted: 6/11/2024
Expires: 12/10/2024

US : Delaware > Delaware City
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The [National Labor Relations Act][1] (NLRA) of 1935 stands as a cornerstone in American labor history, safeguarding workers' rights to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in concerted activities. Enacted during the Great Depression, it aimed to rectify power imbalances between employers and employees, fostering fair labor practices and conducive working environments. By protecting workers' rights to unionize and collectively negotiate terms of employment, the NLRA catalyzed transformative shifts in workplace dynamics, empowering employees to voice concerns and advocate for better working conditions. Leveraging the [NLRA today continues to champion labor rights][2], promoting equity, and fostering collaborative workplaces for a stronger, more inclusive workforce. [1]: [2]:

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