Ad #: 569161
Expires: 9/18/2024
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : Philippines > manila
Nearby Cities
Zip: 1550
Rent a Car Philippines: Cheap Car Rental in Manila | Van Lease Rates
Viewed: 90 time(s)
Posted: 8/19/2024
Expires: 9/18/2024
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : Philippines > manila
Nearby Cities
Zip: 1550
For affordable car rental in Manila, Philippines , Anis Transport offers brand new car units such as vans and bridal vehicles that fit your needs. We provide you flexible offerings including transfer services, car rental, bridal services, long and short term leases with the option of hiring or not hiring a driver. Big Discount for Long Term Rental. Contact now @ (02) 519 8186for more details!
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