Ad #: 569793
Expires: 2/27/2025
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : India > delhi
Nearby Cities
Zip: 122051
Organic waste composter
Viewed: 90 time(s)
Posted: 8/29/2024Updated:
Expires: 2/27/2025
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : India > delhi
Nearby Cities
Zip: 122051
An organic waste composter, or organic waste converter, is a special device specially designed to break down organic waste such as food scraps, garden waste, and other biodegradable materials or waste. These organic waste composters different in size and complexity, ranging from small-scale compost bins specially used for households to larger industrial composting machines used by businesses or municipalities or organization. Important Benefits of OWC machines: 1. Reduction of Waste 2. Environmental Impact 3. Economic & Social Advantages 4. Sustainability or Eco-friendly 5. Community Benefits Mob- +919812241001
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