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Deepika Padukone talks about difficulties as a new mom: My decision-making is getting affected
Viewed: 63 time(s)
Posted: 10/10/2024Updated:
Expires: 4/10/2025
US : Indiana > indianapolis
Nearby Cities
Zip: 110022
Recently, Deepika Padukone gave birth to her first child. Last month, the actress and her spouse Ranveer Singh welcomed a girl into their family. The actor has now discussed how she deals with stress and sleep deprivation and how that can impact her decision-making in a new lecture series.During the World Mental Health Day 2024 Live Love Laugh Foundation Lecture series, Deepika recently spoke with media mogul and entrepreneur Ariana Huffington. Quint and The Print are two of the people who have posted the video of their interaction on social media and YouTube. After Ariana discusses burnout in the video, Deepika tells about how she handled it.
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