Ad #: 577230
Expires: 9/12/2025
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : India > ahmedabad
Nearby Cities
Zip: 380059
Explore Dholera SIR: Residential & Commercial Plot Opportunities
Viewed: 41 time(s)
Posted: 12/13/2024
Expires: 9/12/2025
Asia, Pacific and Middle East : India > ahmedabad
Nearby Cities
Zip: 380059
Discover prime investment opportunities in Dholera Special Investment Region (Dholera SIR) with Tatvam Realty. Offering a range of residential and commercial plots, Dholera SIR is India’s first smart city with world-class infrastructure and immense growth potential. Perfect for real estate investors and buyers seeking future-ready locations, our curated plots promise excellent ROI and a chance to be part of a futuristic township. Visit our website to explore the best properties in Dholera SIR and secure your smart investment today!
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