Ad #: 578978
Expires: 2/13/2025
Canada : British Columbia > Surrey
Nearby Cities
Zip: v3v1r3
Kitchen Cabinets Surrey BC - Custom Kitchen Cabinets Vancouver North, Burnaby, Lower Mainland
Viewed: 31 time(s)
Posted: 1/14/2025
Expires: 2/13/2025
Canada : British Columbia > Surrey
Nearby Cities
Zip: v3v1r3
Looking for best and affordable kitchen cabinets designing company? Kitchen cabinet Surrey is a cabinet wholesaler and retailer located in Surrey BC. We service the Lower Mainland as well as outlying areas including Kelowna, Kamloops, Victoria, Vancouver and more! We are here to sell and install cabinetry as well as provide helpful information regarding remodeling projects, cabinets/cabinetry, countertops, plumbing fixtures and/or any other products that are associated with this industry. Please contact us at 778-317-1229to schedule a free home visitor free In house consultation.
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