Ad #: 580008
Expires: 10/30/2025
Oceania : Australia > perth
Nearby Cities
Zip: 6069
Kinetic RF Smart Switch by Greenhse Technologies
Viewed: 7 time(s)
Posted: 1/30/2025Updated:
Expires: 10/30/2025
Oceania : Australia > perth
Nearby Cities
Zip: 6069
Discover the new technology Kinetic RF Dimmer Smart Switch from Greenhse Technologies. These innovative, battery-free wireless switches offer seamless functionality, allowing you to easily control your lighting. It is entirely portable and easy to set up. It has three configurable buttons; one switch can control multiple rooms or lights. Also, it has Google and Alexa compatible with Smart Controller. Check out more info about this Smart Switch, visit today Greenhse Technologies Perth.
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